Netgalley - Appaloosa Summer by Tudor Robins

Thursday, July 24, 2014

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If you are looking for a relaxing story, a book you could read in the beach or just in bed waiting for sleep to come in, this is the book.

Meg’s horse Major died during a show and left Meg devastated. She decided to take the summer job in a B&B owned by their family friends in an island to take off her mind to major and her giref. Here, he met Jared, who is living in grief as well. Soon, they found themselves owning an Appaloosa horse to be trained and help them forget their grief in a way.

The first thing that caught my attention in this book is the cover. It has a really nice cover with a country feel in it. I loooovvveee the boots! But other than that, I feel like the cover has shown what the book/story is offering to the reader.

There’s a bit of “The Horse Whisperer” in this story. A girl devastated by the loss of her horse, went to an island to recover and started recovering through the help of a horse still. Frankly, the story is too much technical for a non-horse rider. There are some words that I’m not familiar with and I think this could be enjoyed more by a reader who has experience in horse-riding. But the good thing is that, the terms can be easily understood as the story goes on and I find myself getting more and more familiar with the words.

Though the characters have both emotional baggage on their shoulders, that didn’t keep the story from being light. The grief both are having did not took too much of the story. It’s more focus on how both Jared and Meg are recovering from what they’ve been through. And the supporting characters are really alive that you I myself, could feel the country atmosphere of the story. It’s like the whole island is a one big family. Even Meg’s father, who played a small role feels so alive. I just remembered him from this one line and I think that’s enough to know what character he has. Meg and Slate text conversations also added to the lightness of the story.

I love country stories, and animals as well. It’s easier for me to be emotionally attached to stories related to animals as pets. Especially dogs. And Horses? I always dream of having a pet horse. :D So this story became close to my heart instantly.



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