Heart on a Chain by Cindy Bennett

Saturday, January 12, 2013

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He was her first kiss, she was his first love. Then, he left. After 6 years, Henry is back. But the 8-year old Kathryn she knew is so different from what he remembers. Kate has become the target of bullies and pranks. With her second hand clothes, indifference and refusal to stand for her own, she became the campus loser. But now that Henry is back, she won't let anyone hurt her. But then, Henry comes to realize, that the school is not the only place Kate needs to be protected from. 

Kate doesn't know if Henry still remembers that their 8-year old selves were friend once. But Henry is now one of the popular kids, and Henry being nice to her makes her fear that Henry will be like the bullies who never cease to embarrass her in front of everyone. Soon, Kate will realize that Henry is the real thing, no pretension, just love.

My Review

I have seen this book for a while now in goodreads, I am aware of its high ratings and got me curious. However, the cover is not that appealing, that's why it took me months to finally decide to open it. And I regret the months I wasted for not reading this. The story is really nice, a lot of drama but will still make you feel good. I just hope they decide to change the cover. I know, don't judge the book by its cover. But who could blame me, the first thing you'll see in a book is it's cover. And mostly, books with good covers have good stories. (I'm not saying all, just most! I also know a lot of good covers I wasn't able to finish because of the story) All I'm saying here, is the cover attracts readers, and I really hope this story attracts a lot of readers because it's really good.

It's a story of Kate, who lives day by day in her personal hell. Until heaven comes along. In this case, in the form of Henry. At first, Kate is reluctant to Henry's nice attitude towards her. She's paranoid in each of his action, anticipating the punchline that would embarrass her in front of anyone. I couldn't blame her, she already experienced it and it's not something anyone wants to repeat again. I feel for her. I love Henry's patience towards her. His approach is gentle and there's a touch of protectiveness towards her. 

The physical violence involved in this story is not something I'm familiar of (I thank Him for giving me a pleasant life) But each beatings and pain Kate is experiencing, is like I'm feeling as well. The way each scenes were written was very detailed that it's like I could see it for myself. The good and evil is also well-balanced. Though Kate is experiencing a very bad life at school and at home, Henry makes it all better for her. His family and friends has made Kate move forward.

But even if Henry and Kate are so perfect for each other, I still love Kate's independence. Although she always say that Henry made her life so much better, she did not depend everything to Henry. She put down her walls not just for Henry but for a lot of people. Henry helped her to grow, but in the end, Kate still knows how to handle everything on her own. The only thing she could not handle is what's happening at home, which is expected. She's just seventeen.

I really love how the story goes, though some scenes are a bit corny. But still, I love the ending. I hope there would be a second book for them! :)


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